Rob Samouce writes articles and newsletters which are of interest to community associations, condominium associations and homeowners associations. The articles have been published in the Naples Daily News ( and the newsletters are periodically sent to our clients. Those articles and newsletters that are listed below, and can be searched by key words in the articles or by date the article appeared in the Naples Daily News.
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Latest News
- HOA House Bill 1203 Becomes LawAugust 12, 2024 - 2:10 PM
- Condo House Bill 1021 Becomes LawAugust 1, 2024 - 1:35 PM
- “Surfside” Condo Bills SB 4-D and SB 154 are Law of the LandJuly 1, 2023 - 11:10 AM
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Samouce & Gal, P.A.
3060 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 202
Naples, FL 34103
Phone: (239) 596-9522
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Residents who refuse to follow the rules
/in Condominium Associations, Homeowners AssociationsJust about every planned community in Southwest Florida has governing documents recorded in the public records of the County containing various regulations as well as unrecorded “house rules” that the residents are supposed to follow in order to maintain a community of congenial, financially responsible residents with the objectives of protecting the value of the […]
Most associations should have 5 directors
/in Condominium Associations, Condos and HOA's, Homeowners AssociationsWe see a few Condominium or Homeowners’ Associations with only three directors serving a one year term and some larger Associations with seven or nine directors. There is a benefit to larger Master Homeowners’ Associations, with many neighborhoods and condominiums, to have many directors so that each of the various sub-communities have a representative on […]
Keeping drones from being a nuisance in your community
/in Condominium Associations, Condos and HOA's, Homeowners AssociationsWe keep hearing that delivery companies will soon be delivering packages to our doorsteps by drones. Developers and realtors are using drone footage as marketing tools. Hobbyist and kids are flying them around in their spare time. How should your Condominium or Homeowners’ Association handle the growing number of drone use from becoming a nuisance […]
New directors must sign the form or go to class
/in Condominium Associations, Condos and HOA's, Homeowners AssociationsLast month we talked about what owners must do to run for the board in a Condominium or Homeowners” Association. This month we will discuss what document a newly elected or appointed director in a Condominium Association, Cooperative Association, or Homeowners’ Association must sign to be in compliance with State Law requirements. Florida law says […]
Be prepared for annual election of board members
/in Condominium Associations, Condos and HOA's, Homeowners AssociationsThe first quarter of the new calendar year, also known as “season” is coming up and this is the time that most condominium and homeowners’ associations have their annual meetings and annual election of directors because the most residents are in town. If you live in a condominium, at least 60 days before the annual […]
How to prevent bad actors from slipping into your community under radar
/in Condominium Associations, Condos and HOA's, Homeowners AssociationsSo you have pretty good up to date governing documents. You require all prospective owners and tenants to apply for your Association’s approval before they can occupy a home or condominium unit. You limit the number and duration of leases allowed per year; maybe no more than three (3) times for year for no less […]
Regulations requiring civil discourse in your community
/in Condominium Associations, Condos and HOA's, Homeowners AssociationsFor whatever reason we are getting more and more complaints from Associations that a resident is yelling and cursing at other residents either in person, on the property, or by use of nasty e-mails. Such conduct is very disturbing to many and they then ask us what they can legally do about it to get […]
I beg your pardon, Florida has promised you a rose garden
/in Condominium Associations, Condos and HOA's, Homeowners AssociationsThis was a slim 2019 legislative session when it came to new laws affecting Condominium or Homeowners’ (HOA) Associations with only 2 new laws passed. In House Bill 7103, older condominiums over 75 feet tall got another last minute reprieve from having to retrofit their buildings with fire sprinklers, opt-out or adopt an engineered life […]
Minimizing adverse effects of investor landlords
/in Condominium Associations, Condos and HOA's, Homeowners AssociationsThere has been a growing phenomenon in Southwest Florida of investor corporations, limited liability companies or trusts buying homes in neighborhoods and units in condominiums whose investor owners have no intention of ever living in the home or unit. They are looking for rental investment income. They want to just lease the units to whomever […]
Electric cars are coming to your condominium; who will pay to charge them up?
/in Condominium AssociationsWhile electric vehicles have more or less been a novelty over recent years, many indicators are concluding that they will proliferate in much greater numbers in the near future. If the indicators are correct, that means you or your neighbors will probably have one or more of these cars parking at your condominium soon. The […]